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Though flowers fall I have never forgotten you / 꽃이 져도 나는 너를 잊은 적 없다
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 19,800
USD 14.63
Author: 정호승/Jeong Ho-seung
Publisher: Seoul Selection
Pub. Date: November 2016
Pages: 244
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 5.7 x 8.5 x 0.86
ISBN: 978-1-62412-077-0
Language: Korean/English
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Also available as eBook at: Kindle Store (Amazon)

Dont cry.

To be lonely is to be human.

To go on living is to endure loneliness.

Do not wait in vain for the phone call that never comes.

When snow falls, walk on snowy paths,

when rain falls, walk on rainy paths.

A black-breasted longbill is watching you from the bed of reeds.

Sometimes even God is so lonely he weeps.

Birds perch on branches because they are lonely,

and you are sitting beside the stream because you are lonely.

The hills shadow comes down to the village once a day because it, too, is lonely.

And a bells chime resounds because it, too, is lonely.

- To Daffodils


A Word from the Poet 시인의 11

Part 1

To Daffodils 수선화에게 15

Flower-Falling Evening 지는 저녁 17

The South Han River 남한강 19

Hanging a Wind-Chime 풍경 달다 21

About a Beach 바닷가에 대하여 23

Snail 달팽이 25

Ants 개미 27

The Well 우물 29

For Chopped Octopus 산낙지를 위하여 31

Sehando: Winter Landscape 세한도 33

Sudeok-sa Temple Station 수덕사역 35

Insu Peak 인수봉 37

No Memories 추억이 없다 39

A Train 기차 41

Spring Snow 봄눈 43

Responsibility of a Kiss 키스에 대한 책임 45

Love 사랑 47

For a Reed 갈대를 위하여 49

A Rouge-Stained Cigarette Butt is Sexy 루즈가 묻은 담배꽁초는 섹시하다 51

Tattered Stars 누더기별 53

Ignorance 모른다 55

Part 2

Spring Rain 봄비 59

Adoption 입양 61

The River 강물 63

Dear My Love 애인이여 65

To a Leaf 잎새에게 67

The Heart’s Desert 마음의 사막 69

Dawn Prayer 새벽 기도 71

I Will Give You All 모두 드리리 73

To You 당신에게 75

Reasons 까닭 77

The Heart inside My Heart 마음속의 마음이 79

Waiting 기다림 81

Sleeping Curled like a Prawn 새우잠 83

To the Bitter End 끝끝내 85

Concerning my First Kiss 첫키스에 대하여 87

Miracles 기적 89

In the Street 거리에서 91

Life-Sized Buddha 등신불 93

I’m Hungry 배가 고프다 95

I Weep Prostrate Before an Orchid () 앞에 엎드려 울다 99

A Single Log Bridge 외나무다리 101

Manggyeong Temple 망경사(望鏡寺) 103

Part 3

Icebound 결빙 107

The Air 허공 109

Earning my Keep 밥값 111

Resurrection 부활 113

Mother’s Milk 모유 115

Angels 천사 117

Crossing 고비 119

Passing a Ginseng Field 인삼밭을 지나며 121

Flower in Water 물의 123

Bullfight 투우 125

Snow-Damaged Trees 설해목 127

A Mirror 거울 129

Standing before a Notice Board 어느 벽보판 앞에서 131

Flowers 133

Stars Don’t Cry 별들은 울지 않는다 135

Bird-shit 새똥 137

The Water’s Shoes 물의 신발 139

Burdens 141

Enough Unhappiness 충분한 불행 143

On Looking at Coffee Spilled on the Floor 바닥에 쏟은 커피를 바라보며 145

I’m Sorry 죄송합니다 147

Prejudice Regarding the Left 왼쪽에 대한 편견 149

The Sea’s Saints 바다의 성자 151

Part 4

Living like a Ruined Temple 폐사지처럼 산다 155

Runaway 도망자 157

A Paper Elephant 종이코끼리 159

Sad, Having no Enemy to Love 사랑할 원수가 없어서 슬프다 161

Huibang Falls 희방폭포 163

Silk Road 실크로드 165

In Seoguipo 서귀포에서 167

In Gampo 감포에서 169

The Day Snow First Falls 첫눈 오는 171

Knife Blades 칼날 173

Reeds Do not Weep at Dawn 갈대는 새벽에 울지 않는다 175

Grieve, the Savior Has Come 슬프다 구주 오셨네 177

Spider Lilies at Seonun-sa 선운사 상사화 179

Sudeok Inn 수덕여관 181

A Smile 웃음 183

Visit to Simujang 심우장에 가다 185

Rice Soup 국밥 187

The Other 타인 189

Seen from the Back 뒷모습 191

A White Heron 백로 193

Part 5

Bricks 벽돌 197

Stepping Stones 징검다리 199

Chair of Forgiveness 용서의 의자 201

For the Sake of Vanishing Things 사라지는 것들을 위하여 203

Identification Photo 증명사진 205

Water’s Flowers 물의 207

A Spider 거미 209

Epitaph for Birds 새들을 위한 묘비명 211

My Address Book 나의 방명록 213

A Night’s Plastic Greenhouse 밤의 비닐하우스 215

Yi Jung-seop’s Room 이중섭의 217

Dasan’s Tavern 다산 주막 219

Poetry Books 시집 221

A Snowy Path 눈길 223

Confessing to a Young Zelkova 젊은 느티나무에게 고백함 225

One Night Reading a Braille Poetry Book 점자시집을 읽는 227

At Gwanghwa-mun Gate 광화문에서 229

Snowstorm 폭설 231

Bupyeong Station 부평역 233

Magnolia 목련 235

The Holy Grail 성배 237

Swamp 239

Translators’ Note 번역자의 241


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