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Korean Grammar Volume. 1 A One-Stop Reference Book
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 40,000
USD 29.56
Author: Cho Won Seok
Publisher: Pagijong
Pub. Date: Mar 2020
Pages: 550
Dimensions (in inches): 7.4 x 0.7 x 1.2
ISBN: 9791158484323
Language: English
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Table of Contents
Preface (머리말/서문)
1. chapter 01 Phonology(음운론)
2. chapter 02 Morphology(단어 형태론)
3. chapter 03 Syntax (문장 형태론)
4. chapter 04 Nouns and Case Markers(명사와 격조사)
5. chapter 05 Particles(보조사)
6. chapter 06 Numbers and Counters (수와 조수사)
7. chapter 07 Time and Dates(시간과 날짜)
8. chapter 08 Noun Making Suffixes(명사화 접미사)
9. chapter 09 Pronouns(대명사) and Demonstratives(지시사)
10. chapter 10 Noun Conjunctions I (명사 접속사 I)
11. chapter 11 Noun Conjunctions II (명사 접속사 II)
12. chapter 12 Verbs(동사)
13. chapter 13 Honorific and Blunt Systems(존댓말과 반말)
14. chapter 14 Tense and Aspect(시제와 상)
15. chapter 15 Quotation(화법)
16. chapter 16 Noun-Modifying Suffixes(명사 수식 접미사)
17. chapter 17 Negation(부정문)
18. chapter 18 Comparison(비교구문)
19. chapter 19 Passive Voice(수동태)
20. chapter 20 Causative Verbs(사역동사)
21. chapter 21 Double Subjects and Objects(이중주어/목적어)
22. chapter 22 Modal Auxiliaries I(보조동사 I)
23. chapter 23 Modal Auxiliaries II(보조동사 II)
24. chapter 24 Sentence Endings I(문장 종결어미 I)
25. chapter 25 Sentence Endings II(문장 종결어미 II)
26. chapter 26 Pragmatic Strategies
27. APPENDIX A Verbal Suffix Ordering (동사 접미사 순서)
28. APPENDIX B Adverbial Suffixes (부사화 접미사)
29. APPENDIX C Mathematical Operations and Geometry (수학 연산과 기하)
INDEX (색인)

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