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Useful Hanja for Learners of Korean
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 17,000
USD 12.56
Author: 최은규 , 김민애 , 김상희 , 민정원 , 오미남
Publisher: Darakwon
Pub. Date: Aug 2022
Pages: 240
Dimensions (in inches): 7.44 x 10.1 x 0.59
ISBN: 9788927732969
Language: English
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Introduction 4
How to Use This Book 6
Table of Contents 10
Let’s Learn Hanja 14


01 숫자 Numbers 18
02 날짜와 요일 Dates and Days of the Week 24
03 크기와 위치 Sizes and Positions 30
04 방향 Directions 36
05 자연과 인간 Nature and People 42
06 신체 Body Parts 48
07 색깔과 사물 Colors and Basic Objects 54
08 계절과 날씨 Seasons and Weather 60
09 동물과 식물 Animals and Plants 66
10 가족 Family 72
11 학교 School 78
12 시간 Times 84


01 人生 Life 92
02 敎育 Education 98
03 性格 Personality 104
04 經濟 Economy 110
05 職業 Jobs 116
06 交通 Transportation 122
07 大衆文化 Popular Culture 128
08 傳 統文化 Cultural Heritage 134
09 旅行 Travel 140
10 學問 Learning 146
11 言語 Language 152
12 科學 Science 158
13 부수 I Main RadicalⅠ 164
14 부수 II Main RadicalⅡ 168


Answer 174
Index 181

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