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Living with the Enemy: Inside North Korea
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 18,000
USD 12.52
Author: Richard Saccone Ph.D
Publisher: Hollym
Pub. Date: July 2006
Pages: 347
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions (in inches): 8.86 x 5.94 x 0.98
ISBN: 9781565912342
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North Korean behavior has bedeviled analysis by outsiders for over fifty years. Foreign government officials have referred to the people as enigmatic, irrational, stubborn, uncompromising, liars, and a number of additional unpleasant terms. But a little knowledge can be dangerous, causing even more misunderstanding. North Koreans do not reveal themselves casually. The author of this book discovered a side of North Koreans most outsiders do not even believe exists. He insists that for certain our knowledge of North Korea is misguided and North Koreans are not liars, uncompromising, irrational. He believes his observations may answer those who wonder what it's really like to live in such an isolated land. This book is not intended as a criticism of North Korea but a record of life in North Korea from the author's perspective and naturally includes opinions, decisions and situation not everyone may agree with. His intention is for the reader to come away with a better understanding of the people in North Korea. Dr. Richard Saccone earned his academic degrees from Weber State University, Naval Postgraduate School, University of Oklahoma, and the University of Pittsburgh. He teaches International Relations, Comparative Politics, National Government and International Business at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa.

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