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Korea and Japan (The Clash of Worldview, 1868-1876)
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 18,000
USD 12.48
Author: Kim Yong-koo
Publisher: CIRCLE
Pub. Date: Nov 2006
Pages: 177
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 9.17 x 6.3 x 0.66
ISBN: 9788989443056
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Diplomatic history is not just a chronology of negotiations between diplomatic actors. Rather, it should be based on a theoretical framework of comparative civilizations. This comparative approach posits that there have existed qualitatively different civilizations, a difference which shaped and constrained the diplomatic actors' peculiar worldviews, mental structures, and cultural behavioral codes. As such, diplomatic-strategic interactions among international actors are fundamentally conditional upon the very nature of differences between civilizations. Through this general historical lens, Professor Kim analyzes the diplomatic relationship between Korea and Japan during the period of the formation of modern nation-states in the nineteenth century. In doing so, three main issues are explored: i) the nature of the Korean-Japanese diplomatic relations institutionalized and stabilized for several hundred years as a peculiar international system, Kyorin (dealing with the neighbor); ii) this system's connections to the broader China-centered international system of East Asia, Sadae (serving the superior); iii)the specific diplomatic processes of the 'clash' between the international order of East Asia (Sadae-Kyorin) and that of Western international law. The book's central contention is that the current political distrust between Korea and Japan, and their heterogeneous perceptions toward each other, were historically embedded in their divergent worldviews and deeply rooted in their diplomatic interactions during the formative period, especially in the critical eight years, 1868-1876. The crux of this historical problem remains largely intact to this day. Young-koo Kim, the author of this book, is distinguished professor of International Relations at Hallym Academy of Sciences, Hallym University and professor emeritus at Seoul National University. He is also member of National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea. (Preface of the book)

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