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All About Korea
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 12,000
USD 8.35
Author: John Yun
Pub. Date: Dec. 2007
Pages: 167
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions (in inches): 9.45 x 6.69 x 0.47
ISBN: 9788959390236
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CHAPTER 1Geography 
1. World Map 
2. Map of Neighboring Countries 
3. Satellite Photo Image 
4. Countries That Surround Korea 
5. Korean Peninsula 

CHAPTER 2General Information 
1. General Information about Korea 
2. Cities of South Korea 
3. Cities 
4. Cheju Island 

CHAPTER 3National Symbols 
1. The Land of Morning Calm 
2. Tagukki - The Flag of South Korea 
3. Mugungwha - National Flower 

CHAPTER 4History & Religion 
1. Brief History of Korea 
2. Political System 
3. Religion 
4. Buddha’s Birthday 

CHAPTER 5Ancient Works of Art 
1. Bulguksa Temple 
2. Seokguram at Ancient Kyungju City 
3. Dabotap 
4. Emille Bell 
5. Celadon Pottery 
6. Sokrisan National Park 
7. Seoraksan National Park 
8. Snow-white Red-crowned Crane 

CHAPTER 6Zodiac 
1. Lunar Calendar 
2. Zodiac 

CHAPTER 7Visiting Korea 
1. The Best Time to Visit Korea 
2. Currency 
3. Shopping in Seoul 
4. Grocery Shopping & Food Courts 

CHAPTER 8Family 
1. Family Names 
2. Marriage & Family Life 
3. Greetings 
4. Physical Contact Between the Sexes 

CHAPTER 9Education 
1. Education 
2. Educational System 
3. Education Fever - Cram School 
4. Goose Father 

CHAPTER 10Language 
1. Hangeul (The Korean Letter) 
2. Confusing Spellings & Sounds 
3. Language 
4. Handwriting Patterns 
5. Understanding Korean Writing 
6. Pronunciation & Writing Practice 
7. Popular Expressions 

1. Korean Food 
2. Popular Korean Food 
3. Recipes (Kimchi, Bibimbap, Bulgogi, Bulkalbi) 
4. Traditional Korean Liquors 
5. Korean Ginseng 
6. Acupuncture 
7. Etiquette 

CHAPTER 12Traditional Clothing 
1. Hanbok - Traditional Clothing 
2. Girl’s Clothing 
3. Boy’s Clothing 
4. Traditional Wedding 

CHAPTER 13Anniversary & National Holidays 
1. New Year’s Day 
2. Chuseok - The Harvest Moon Festival 
3. First Birthday 
4. 60th Birthday 
5. National Holidays 

CHAPTER 14Lifestyle 
1. Social Life & Drinking 
2. Leisure Time 
3. Understanding Korean Superstitions 

CHAPTER 15Songs 
1. National Anthem 
2. Traditional Folk Songs 
3. Arirang 
4. Kapdori & Kapsuni 
5. Kohyang Eui Bom 

CHAPTER 16Traditional Instruments 
1. The Farmer’s Band 
2. Traditional Instruments 

CHAPTER 17Example of Renowned Literature 
1. The Short Story of Two Brothers 
2. Poetry of Sowol Kim 

CHAPTER 18Traditional Games & Sports 
1. Traditional Games 
2. Sports139 
3. Taekwondo - Traditional Korean Martial Art 
4. Ssirum 
5. Yudo 
6. Haedong Gumdo 
7. The Magic Golf Princess 
8. The World Soccer Cup 
9. Sports of Korea - Crossword Puzzles 

CHAPTER 19Transportation Systems 
1. Major Airlines 
2. Modernized Railways 
3. Inter-city Services 

CHAPTER 20Useful Expressions 
1. Greetings 
2. Around City 
3. Emergencies 
4. Korean Food 
5. Drinks(Alcohols) & Vegetables 
6. Meat & Fish 
7. Amount 
8. Korean Numbers & Counting 

1. South Korea Map(for travel) 
2. Subway Map (Seoul, Pusan)

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