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Insight into Korea Series Vol. 8 : Insight into Dokdo
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 29,000
USD 20.11
Author: Park hyun-jin.The Korea Herald
Publisher: Jimoondang
Pub. Date: Apr. 2009
Pages: 464
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 6.69 x 8.85 x 0.86
ISBN: 9788962970081
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Insight into Korea
KRW 29,000
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Product Description

Insight into Dokdo targets a broad readership - foreign scholars, journalists, government officials, political leaders as well as ordinary citizens who seek a deeper understanding of relations among key Northeast Asian countries.

Insight into Dokdo analyzes the conflicting claims of Korea and Japan regarding Dokdo from historical, political and international law perspectives. The 22 essays in this volume introduce some of the latest achievements made by Korean and foreign scholars in establishing historical truths clarifying the legal issues regarding the islets' sovereignty.

PrefaceYu Kun-ha 
IntroductionPark Hyun-jin 

1. Overview 
Why Dokdo mattersHenry Shinn 
The Dokdo debateHenry Shinn 
The fishy business of DokdoHenry Shinn 
Dokdo belongs to KoreaHenry Shinn 

2. Historical Background and Evidence 
Korea's territorial rights to Dokdo: A historical studyShin Yong-ha 
Tokyo's Dokdo claim is groundlessSeichu Naito 

3. Political Background and Analysis 
Japanese politics: A background for Dokdo claimLee Myon-woo 
A political analysis of Japan's Dokdo claimMike Launius 
Maritime disputes between Japan and its Asian neighborsZou Keyuan 
Korea, Japan need to look beyond DokdoPark Cheol Hee 

4. Legal Analysis and Evidence 
Ahn Yong-bok towers over DokdoPark Hyun-jin 
A response to 10 Japanese points on Dokdo sovereigntyPark Hyun-jin 
Map evidence galore against Japan's Dokdo claimsPark Hyun-jin 
Japanese statutes exclude Dokdo from its territoryAhn Hyo-lim 
Box: Documents show its it time for Japan to give up DokdoNah Hong-ju 
Korea-Japan fisheries pact revisitedKim Young-koo 
Dokdo and Sino-Japanese Diaoyudao disputesJi Guoxing 

5. Challenges Ahead, Responses Recommended 
Dokdo strategy needs rethinkingHenry Shinn 
How should Korea deal with Dokdo dispute?Nah Hong-ju 
Ensuring Korea's sovereignty over DokdoYuji Hosaka 
Private sector efforts help protect DokdoAhn Hyo-lim 
Box: Dokdo is a matter of passion to KoreansAhn Hyo-lim 
Box: First flim dedicated to DokdoYang Sung-jin 
Addressing and resolving the Dokdo matterJon M. Van Dyke 

Korea's Dokdo policy must be bolderAhn Hyo-lim and Henry Shinn 
Appendix: Key maps and documents evidencing Korea's sovereignty over Dokdo 

1. The Rhee Line (Peace Line) 
2. Korea's straight baselines 
3. Japan's straight baselines 
4. The intermediate fisheries zones between Korea and Japan 
5. Fisheries regime in Northeast Asia


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