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Facts about Korea(Revised Edition)
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 9,000
USD 6.26
Author: Korean Culture and Information Service
Publisher: Hollym
Pub. Date: Jul. 2011
Pages: 264
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions (in inches): 5.86 x 8.26 x 0.43
ISBN: 9781565913097
Language: English
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Facts about Korea
KRW 9,000
USD 6.26
All About Korea
KRW 9,000
USD 6.26

Product Description

This handbook, briefly examining the history, people, culture, art, economy, society, sports and other aspects of korea, attempts to present a concise overview of Korea's time-honored legacy, modern achievements and the current direction of the Republic's nation-building. This handbook is helpful to those who wish to understand korea, its land and people.


Facts and Figures
General / Geography / People / Government / Economy / Korea's World Heritage / National Flag / National Anthem
Korea and Its People
Geography / Climate / Population / Language
Gojoseon / Three Kingdoms and Gaya/ Unified Silla and Balhae / Goryeo / Joseon / Japanese Occupation and Independence Movement / Founding of the Republic of Korea / History at a Glance
Constitution and Government
Constitution / Executive Branch / Legislature / Judiciary / Independent Organizations / Local Government / Constitution and Government at a Glance
Inter-Korean Relations
Historical Background / Making Efforts Toward a Peaceful
/ Resolution of the North Korean Nuclear Issue / Inter-Korean Exchanges and Cooperation
/ Inter-Korean Relations at a Glance
Korea in the World
International Relations / Economic Exchanges / International Peace and Cooperation / Korea's Development Cooperation / Future Policy Directions
Economic Situation / Industrial Innovation / Science and Technology
/ Information and Communications / Challenges Facing the Korean Economy / Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) / Capital Market Liberalization / Investor-Oriented Support System / World-Class Logistics Hub / Economic Outlook / The G20 Seoul Summit / Economy at a Glance
Social Welfare / Education / Media / Society at a Glance
Culture and the Arts
UNESCO Treasures in Korea / Fine Arts / Literature / Painting / Music and Dance / Dramas and Movies / Museums and Theaters / Culture and the Arts at a Glance
Korean Life
Houses / Clothing / Food / Festivals / Religion / Korean Life at a Glance
Seoul Olympics in Retrospect / Overall Olympic Standing / 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan / National Sports Events / Popular Sports / Traditional Sports / Sports at a Glance
Travel Information


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