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Seoul Survivor
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 13,000
USD 9.04
Author: Ryan Weaver
Publisher: EunHaeng NaMu
Pub. Date: Jan. 2010
Pages: 219
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 8.34 x 6.22 x 0.39
ISBN: 9788956602875
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Foreword by Kang Hyun 
Introduction: Sticking Out While Trying to Fitting in 

Part 1. Korea at a Glance 
1. Korean History: Legends and Controversy 
2. North Korea: Is There a Threat of War? 
3. The Miraculous Transformation 
4. Korea's Modern Economy 
5. Can You Find Korea on a Map? 

Part 2. Getting off on the Right Foot 
1. Introductions and Interacting with Others 
2. Communicating with Non-native Speakers 
3. Language that Causes Misunderstandings 
4. What People Have to Say about Koreans 
5. Misconceptions that Foreigners Have of Koreans and Vise Versa 
6. Things about Korea that Foreigners Find Amusing, Strange and Annoying 
7. Things about Foreigners that Irritate Koreans 

Part 3. Navigating the City 
1. Transport for Seoul 
2. Crime and Public Nuisances 
3. Don’t Forget to Bring Your BMW and Lots of Multivitamins 
4. Finding a Residence/Apartment 
5. Tourist Attractions 

Part 4. Getting Settled into a New Lifestyle 
1. Korean Food 
2. Korean Dining Etiquette 
3. Hangouts and Hotspots 
4. Drinking Etiquette 
5. Shopping (Day and Night) 
6. Blending In: Korean Fashion 
7. Recreation 

Part 5. Korean Culture in Focus 
1. Humanity 
2. Filial Piety 
3. Collectivism 
4. Special Relationships 
5. Korean Culture in Business 

Part 6. Korean Society 
1. Why Are Koreans So Competitive? 
2. Confucian Roots: Both a Help and a Hindrance 
3. Confucianism and its Effect on Business Development 
4. Korea’s "Unique" Legal Environment 
5. Korean Politics: Why So Much Fighting? 
6. Korea’s Need for Education Reform 
7. Korea’s Leadership Gap 
8. Korea’s Social Development 

Part 7: Social Issues Facing Korea 
1. Senior Poverty 
2. Korea: OECD's Suicide Capital 
3. Anti-Americanism in Korea 
4. Rights for Gays and Lesbians 
5. Love and Marriage 
6. Korea’s Spiking Divorce Rate 
7. Are Koreans Open to 'International Couples?' 

Part 8: Before You Book Your Flight 
1. Evaluate Yourself 
2. Will You be Able to Cope? 
3. Keys to a Happy and Successful Life Abroad 
4. Be Proactive in Discerning Which Practical Concerns Might Spoil Your Assignment 
5. Take an Interest in Korea 
6. Bring a Positive Attitude 
7. Once You Arrive in Korea: Make Friends and Build Strong Relationships 
8. Learn to See Problems from a Different Perspective 
9. Cultural Adversity: Love It or Leave It 

Appendix_ Useful Korean Expressions 
Appendix_ Travel Information for Subway Tourists in Seoul 

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