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A Changing Korea in Regional and Global Contexts
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 20,000
USD 13.91
Author: Lee-Jay Cho
Publisher: SNUPRESS
Pub. Date: Dec. 2004
Pages: 589
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 9.25 x 6.4 x 1.8
ISBN: 9788952105653
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1. Introduction and Overview/ Lee-Jay Cho. Chung-Si Ahn. and Choong Nam Kim

Part 1 The Secunty Environment Around the Korean Peninsula

2. Northeast Asia : The Organization Gap and Beyond/ Kent E. Calder

3. Democratic America in Northeast Asia : US Strategy, Theater Missile Defense, and Allied Relationships/ Sonya Finley

4. The Future of America's Alliances in Asia : The Importance of Enemies or Ideas?/ Victor D. Cha

5. Strategic Uses of Economic Interdependence/ Miles Kahler

6. The Political Dynamics of US-Korean Relations : An American Perspective/ Tong Whan Park

7. US Security Commitments to South Korea and Taiwan : Extended Deterrence versus Dual Deterence/ Emerson M.S Niou

Part 2 Democracyb in Transition

8. Crisis of Public Confidence in Democratizing Korea : A Comparative Perspective/ Chung-Si Ahn and Won-Taek Kang

9. A Comparison of (Low) Trust in Korea and Italy/ In-Young Kim

10. The Political Implications of Public Support for Democracy in East Asia/ Russell J. Dalton and Doh Chull Shin

Part 3 The Korean Economy in Regional and Global Contexts

11. Remapping Asia : Competing Patterns of Regionalization and Regionalism/ T.J. Pempel

12. The United States, Japan, and the Power to Block : The APEC and AMF Cases/ David, P. Rapkin

13. The Political Economy of the New Asia-Pacific Bilateralism : Benign, Banal, or Simply Bad?/ John Ravenhill

14. Safeguarding Economic Cooperation, Reform, and Development on the Korean Peninsula/ Joachim Ahrens

15. The Technology-Institutions-Productivity Nexus in the DPRK : A Comparative Perspective with the ROK/ Youngil Lim


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