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The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 29: Korean Genealogical Records
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 15,000
USD 11.34
Author: Chung Seung-mo
Publisher: Ewha Womans University Press
Pub. Date: June. 2012
Pages: 160
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 7.36 x 5.12 x 0.67
ISBN: 9788973009503
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Korean Genealogical Records is the 29th volume of The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots series. It is a comprehensive introduction to the origin, types, composition and function of Korean genealogical records, shedding light on their significance as valuable material for research into ancient periods and the pedigrees of individual families and clans. The text is complemented by many photographs of important historical objects, including the family registration of King Taejo of the Joseon Dynasty, and diagrams and tables to assist the reader’s understanding.

The book consists of four chapters. Chapter I defines genealogical records and explains the process of their emergence and their roles in traditional society; Chapter II traces the history of genealogical records, the development of family names and clan hometowns, genealogies of different social classes from the royal family to commoners, and the forcible adoption of Japanese names during the colonial period; Chapter III discusses the types, composition and production process of genealogical records, and social implications of fabricated genealogies; and Chapter IV offers guidance on how to read genealogical records, comparable records in other countries, and the evolution of genealogical records in the modern era.

Chung Seung-mo

Graduated from the Department of Anthropology, Seoul National University

Studied at the Taedong Center for Eastern Classics

Served for national and public museums

Board member of the Society of Local History and Culture, and the Chin-Tan Society

Currently the director of the Research Center of Regional Culture

Published Works

Social History of Markets (1992)

Korean Seasonal Customs (2001)

Markets: Traditional Korean Society (2008)

Seasonal Customs of Korea (Translation, 2009)

Study of the Regional Social Structure in Late Joseon (2010)

Joint Works

Research Methods of Joseon Social History (1993)

History of Social Customs in Seoul (1995)

A Living History of the Joseon Period (1996)

Hahoe Village (2007)

Korean Views of Life and Death (2008)


“Background to the Formation of Clan Communities” (1993)

“County Rituals and State Policies”(2000)

“Regional Character of Late Joseon Culture Seen through Nobility Homes in the Capital and the Countryside” (2003)

“Division of Peasant Class and the Middle People in Rural Communities in the 18th-19th Centuries” (2005)

“Formation of Clans and Operation of Clan Fraternities in Late Joseon” (2006)

“The Economic and Ideological Background to the Urban Market Policy in Late Joseon” (2007)





I. What is a Genealogical Record?

Social Meaning of Blood Relations

Emergence of Genealogical Records

Functions of Genealogical Records

II. History of Genealogical Records

Family Names and Ancestral Hometowns

Genealogical Records of Royal Families

Genealogical Records of the Nobility and the Middle Class

Commoners and the Lowborn in Genealogical Records

Forced Adoption of Japanese Names and Genealogical Records

III. Producing Genealogical Records

Types of Genealogical Records

Composition of Genealogical Records

Steps in Producing Genealogical Records

Truth and Fallacy in Genealogical Records

IV. Truths about Genealogical Records

Tracing Family History through Genealogical Records

Genealogical Records and Korean Society

How to Read Genealogical Records

Genealogical Records in Other Countries

Genealogical Records in Modern Days





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