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Kye Kim's Simply Delicious - One Course Meals
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 28,000
USD 19.48
Author: Kye Kim
Publisher: Bookhouse
Pub. Date: Apr. 2012
Pages: 160
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 8.66 x 10.62 x 0.66
ISBN: 9788956055695
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Kye Kim's Modern Korean Cooking
KRW 28,000
USD 19.48



part 1 beef
sukiyaki 스키야키
Marinated Falnk Steak Pickle Ssam 프랭크 스테이크 통불고기 쌈
soy Sauce Pickled Vegetables 채소 간장 장아찌
Bulgogi Rolls 불고기롤
Shabu Shabu Salad 샤부샤부 냉샐러드
Tteok Kalbi 떡갈비
Oxtail Jjim 쇠고기찜
Shanu Shabu 샤부샤부
Korean Steak Kabobs 한국식 스테이크 꼬치구이

part 2 chicken
Lemon Miso Chicken Salad 레몬 미소 치킨샐러드
Chicken Lettuce Wraps 닭고기 양상추 쌈
Spicy Chicken Thighs 매운 닭고기 카레
Kanpoonggi 깐풍기
Butter Fried Drunken Chicken 술에 재워 버터에 지진 닭고기
Teriyaki Chicken Thighs 닭고기 데리야키
Spicy chicken with Vegetables 매운 닭갈비

part 3 noodles & rice
california Rolls 캘리포니아롤
Cold Shrimp and Moodle Salad with Wasabi Dressing 와사비 드레싱 소면샐러드
Cold Udon Noodle Salad 냉우동 샐러드
One-Pot Seafood and Vegetable Rice(Yeongyang Sotbap) 영양솥밥
Sashimi Bibimbop(Hwe Dup Bap) 회덮밥
Sushi Hand Rolls 스시 핸드롤
Vietnamese "Pho"Rice Noodle Soup with Beef 월남 쌀국수
Noodles with Black Bean Sauce(Jajangmyun) 자장면
Yangjangpi 양장피
Shrimp and Chicken Fried Rice 새우 닭고기 볶음밥
Noodles Soup with Oysters (Oyster Jjambong) 굴짬뽕

part 4 pork
Chinese Dumplings (Mul Mandu) 중국식 물만두
Pan-Fried Tofu with Eggplant and Pork Sauce 두부구이와 가지 고기 소스
Pork Tonkatsu with Balsamic Dressing 돈가스와 발사믹 드레싱
Kimchi Pancakes 김치전
Stir-Fried Pork and peppers with Steamed Buns 피망잡채와 꽃빵
Mapo Tofu 마파두부
Pork and Kimchi Kabobs 돼지고기 김치산적

part 5 seafood
Shrimp with chili Sauce 새우 칠리소스 볶음
Shrimp Stuffed Tofu 새우 두부찜
Pan-Fried Noodles with Seafood and Vegerables 해물 팬 프라이드 누들
Iceberg Lettuce with Pan-Fried Shrimp 새우 양상추 샐러드
Vietnamese Spring Rolls 월남쌈
Okonomiyaki(Japanese Savory Pancake) 오코노미야키
Potato Folled Shrimp Tempura 새우 감자말이 튀김
Soy Sauce cod with Sauteed Vegetables 간장소스를 곁들인 대구와 채소볶음
Sake-Steamed Seafood and Vegetables 정종에 데친 해물채소찜
Spicy Stir-Fried Octopus(Nakjibokum) 낚지볶음
Seafood Dukboki 해물떡볶이
Sizzling Rice Soup 해물누룽지탕

part 6 vegetarian
Simple Asian Slaw with Black Sesame Rice 양배추무침과 검정깨 밥
Stir-Fried Mushrooms and Vegetables 버섯 채소볶음
Tofu Kimchi Bibimbap 두부 김치 비빔밥
Pan-Fried Tofu with Sweet and Sour Sauce 탕수두부
Potato and Zucchini Pancakes 감자호박전
Cold Spicy Soba Noodles 냉모밀비빔국수


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