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2000 Essential Korean Words for Beginners
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 23,000
USD 17.00
Author: Ahn Seol-hee
Publisher: Darakwon
Pub. Date: Mar. 2008
Pages: 504
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 8.85 x 5.94 x 1.3
ISBN: 9788959957811
Language: English, Chinese, J
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Essential Korean Phrase Book
KRW 23,000
USD 17.00
[Language PLUS]
Korean Essential Vocabulary 6000
KRW 23,000
USD 17.00
[Language PLUS]
韓国語 必修単語6000(Korean Essent..
KRW 23,000
USD 17.00

이 책의 구성 및 활용 How to use this book
01 사람 People
1 가족/친척 Family/Relatives
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2 감정 Emotions
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3 성격 Personality
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4 외모 Appearance
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5 인생 Life
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6 직업 Occupations
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7 친구/주변 사람 Friends/Close Aquaintances
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 親 to be close
02 교육 Education
1 교실 용어 Classroom Terms
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2 수업 Lessons
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3 시험 Tests
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4 학교 School
5 학습 도구 School Supplies
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 學 to learn
03 건강 Health
1 병원/약국 Hospital/Pharmacy
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2 증상/증세 Symptoms/Condition of Illness
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 人 a person
04 식생활 Eating Habits
1 간식 Light Meals
2 과일/채소 Fruits/Vegetables
3 맛 Taste
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4 식당 Restaurants
5 요리 Cooking
6 음료/차 Beverages/Tea
7 음식 Food
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8 재료 Ingredients
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 食 to eat
05 일상생활 Everyday Life
1 약속하기 Making an Appointment
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2 인간관계 Human Relationships
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3 직장 생활 Office Life
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4 하루 일과 Daily Work
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 員 a member
06 여가 생활 Leisure
1 여행 Travel
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2 운동 Exercise
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3 음악 Music
4 취미 Hobbies
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· Korean through Chinese Characters 出 to go out
07 날씨 Weather
1 계절 Seasons
2 일기예보 Weather Forecast
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 新 to be new
08 시간 Time
1 날짜 Date
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2 시간 Time
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 日 a day
09 패션 Fashion
1 미용 Beauty Care
2 소품 Accessories
3 의류 Clothing
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 物 a thing
10 경제활동 Economic Activities
1 가게/시장 Store/Market
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2 경제 Economy
3 쇼핑 Shopping
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 入 to enter
11 교통/통신 Transportation/Communication
1 길 찾기 Finding the Way
2 방향 Directions
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3 우편 Mail
4 위치 Locations
5 전화 Telephone
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6 탈것 Vehicles
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 通 to be connected
12 장소 Places
1 건물 Buildings
2 길 Roads
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3 도시 Cities
4 동네 Neighborhoods
5 서울 Seoul
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 場 a place
13 집/자연 House/Nature
1 동식물 Animals and Plants
2 자연환경 Natural Environment
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3 전기/전자 제품 Electric/Electronic Appliances
4 집안 Household
5 집안 가구/물건 Household Furniture/Goods
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6 집안 구조 Structure of the House
7 집안일 Housework
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 家 a house
14 문화 Culture
1 대중매체 Mass Media
2 사회 Society
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3 영화/연극 Movies/Plays
4 예술/문학 Art/Literature
5 전통문화 Traditional Culture
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· Korean through Chinese Characters - 動 to move
15 기타 Etc.
1 기타 Etc.
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부록 Appendix
추가 어휘 Additional Vocabulary
· 국가명 Nations
· 색깔 Colors
· 운동 Sports
· 가계도 Family Tree
· 신체 부위 명칭 The Names of Body Parts
· 착용 동사 Verbs Related to Clothing and Accessories
· 띠 The Chinese Zodiac Signs
· 요일 Days of the Week
· 월 Months
· 숫자 Numbers
· 접속부사 Conjunctive Adverbs
· 준말 Abbreviations
· 반의어 Antonyms
· 유의어 Synonyms
· 단위명사 Counting Units
· 전국 지도 National Map
· 서울 지도 Seoul Map
불규칙 동사 · 형용사 활용표 Table of Irregular Verbs and Adjectives
정답 Answer
색인 Index

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