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Price per Unit (piece): KRW 19,000
USD 13.22
Author: Ko Un
Publisher: Parallax Press
Pub. Date: Jan 2005
Pages: 381
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions (in inches): 9.05 x 6.10 x 1.06
ISBN: 9781888375435
Language: English
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The Sound of My Waves
KRW 19,000
USD 13.22

A bestseller in South Korea in 1991, where it was serialized in that country's largest newspaper, Little Pilgrim is a tale of adventure and self-discovery in the tradition of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha. Based on the Gandavyuha, Buddhism's deepest and most challenging scripture, Ko Un's Little Pilgrim relates the heroic journey of Sudhana, who sets out to discover what truth is. Throughout 20 years of fantastic travels, Sudhana encounters teachers that are human, animal, and spirit as he navigates mountain vistas, lush valleys, and remote villages.Drawing from his own 20-year journey, as well as first-hand experiences with wars and monastic life, Un infuses his book with reflections and memories, creating fascinating characters and a vibrant story. The pinnacle of Un's career as a writer and as a man in search of truth, Little Pilgrim is a poignant voyage that resonates on many levels.

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