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Eating Korean: from barbecue to kimchi, recipes from my home
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 27,500
USD 19.13
Author: Cecilia Hae-Jin Lee
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Pub. Date: Jan. 2005
Pages: 259
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 9.53 x 7.67 x 0.94
ISBN: 9780764540783
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From piquant gimchi [pickled cabbage] to classic bibim bap [rice mixed with vegetables and hot pepper paste], Korean cuisine is proud of its exhilarating harmony of robust flavors and colors. Although Korea is an increasingly popular dining-out option, few people venture to explore the nation's rich culinary arts at home. This book invites readers into the writer Cecilia Hae-Jin Lee's family kitchen to reveal the secrets -- and the surprising simplicity -- of Korea's fascinating cuisine. This warm, evocative celebration of Korean food features more than 100 authentic recipes alongside fascinating historical morsels and personal remembrances. The author's passion for the foods of her native land is rendered vividly in reminiscences that bring Korean cuisine richly to life. These enchanting narratives are the perfect prelude to the dishes themselves: the fragrant medley of seafood hot pot, the intense spiced fire meat, and a host of other dishes. The dishes here cover all parts of the Korean menu -- rice specialties; soups and hot pots; seafood, meat, and poultry dishes; desserts and snacks; side dishes; and more. This book reveals how Korean dishes can be prepared easily at home. Many hot pots and soups can be on the table in less than half an hour of cooking time. Spicy, flavor-rich marinades, made with just a handful of ingredients, offer deliciously simple alternatives for barbecuing chickens, beef, and ribs.

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