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Korea Through Her Birds
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 28,000
USD 20.69
Author: Robert Newlin
Publisher: Seoul Selection
Pub. Date: Jun 2013
Pages: 244
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 9.25 x 7.48 x 0.63
ISBN: 9781624120060
Language: English
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Korea’s birds deserve a wider audience. The country’s geographical location, topography, temperate climate, and wealth of diverse habitats combine to support an extraordinarily attractive avifauna. Many visitors to Korea see the impressive metropolitan centers of Seoul or Busan, and others may visit Jejudo Island’s black sand beaches or hike the popular mountain trails. Fewer see the more hidden parts of the country: the western offshore islands, the scattered and diminishing wetlands, the picturesque east coast fishing villages, the mountain hamlets and the river valleys. We can glimpse these places through the birds that live there. Moreover, we can glimpse something else—hints of Korea’s people, culture, and history.

A picture of a bird yields a narrow but genuine window into a country’s identity.

What a country’s arts or folklore or language says about nature—or says by means of nature—has a special authenticity. Above all, there are the birds themselves, in all their many types of beauty. This book seeks to introduce the birds: through photographs, through descriptions of their lives, and through the ways our different cultures, Western and Asian both, perceive them. 

About the Author

Robert Newlin has watched birds since he was about five years old.

Early experiences included many Christmas and May counts, banding work, waterfowl surveys on Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay area, and, during university years, summer positions doing breeding bird surveys for the Smithsonian Institution.

He holds a BA (Wesleyan University) and PhD (Rutgers University) in literature, specializing in medieval beast literature and natural-historical writings, especially in English, Latin, and French.

Recent research has focused upon East Asian birds in nature and in culture.

Professor Newlin has taught Comparative and English Literatures at various universities in the United States and Korea—most recently at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul.

His writings and bird photographs have been published in a number of books and journals in the United States, Europe, and Asia.


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