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Ten Stories of Korea's Birth
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 16,000
USD 11.13
Author: Jung Gyoung Sook
Publisher: KIATS
Pub. Date: Aug. 2011
Pages: 238
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 6.88 x 8.85 x 0.59
ISBN: 9788993447415
Language: English
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Ten Stories of Korea’s Birth marks the second volume in the Korean Culture & History Series, through which we hope to inform our readers about the charm and value inherent in Korean history and culture. The first book in the series, entitled Ten Most Treasured Korean Classics, is a collection of Korea’s ten classical tales, intended for an international audience. In this second book, we introduce foundational myths of various countries that Korean people had established throughout its long history.
Recently, Korea has been rapidly gaining international recogition. From its semiconductors and automobiles to its food culture, this small land of the Korean peninsula is attracting worldwide attention. At the same time, people all over the world are increasingly showing more interest in the culture and history shaped by our ancestors. It is about time for us, as Koreans, to properly introduce various aspects of our beautiful culture ? its look and taste, and value and meaning ? to this globalized world.
We have published this volume in both Korean and English with English readers in mind. We hope that by reading this book in both languages, readers will be able to better understand the stories within. In addition, Korean and English readers will have the opportunity to learn each other’s expressions.


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Buyeo A Stepping Stone among the Ancient Korean States

I Will Regain Our Ancient Territory of Damul

We Are the True Descendents of Buyeo

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O Turtle, O Turtle, Give Us Suro

The Kingdom that United the Divided Kingdoms

The Kingdom that Carried on the Spirit of Goguryeo

The Cuntry that Ruled its People with Virtue

The Country of a Unique Culture

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