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From Authoritarianism to Democracy in Korea
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 28,000
USD 21.17
Author: Jung Kwan Cho
Publisher: Chonnam National University Press
Pub. Date: Jan. 2013
Pages: 475
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 7.48 x 10.23 x 0.82
ISBN: 9788997620920
Language: English
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Part I _ Introduction

Chapter 1 _ Introduction
Chapter 2 _ The Setting: Structural Conditions and the Fifth Republic

Part II _ The Democratic Transition

Chapter 3 _ Liberalization and the Legislative Elections
Chapter 4 _ The Agenda Setting: Government and Opposition in the Protracted Struggle on the Constitution
Chapter 5 _ Grand Alliance, Mobilization, and Breakthrough to Regime-Initiated Transition
Chapter 6 _ Politics of Negotiated Constitution-Making
Chapter 7 _ The Divided Opposition and Presidential Election
Chapter 8 _ The Completion of Transition

Part III _ The Democratic Consolida
Chapter 9 _ The Military and Democratic Consolidation
Chapter 10 _ The Civil Society and Democratic Consolidation
Chapter 11 _ Presidents, Political Parties, and Assemblies
Chapter 12 _ Trials of the Past
Chapter 13 _ Conclusion

Appendix I. Details of Author’s Survey of Political Elite (ASPE)
Appendix II. List of Interviewees
Appendix III. Interview Questionnaire (in English)


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