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Acta Koreana: VOL.17 Number 1 June 2014
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 12,000
USD 8.35
Author: Academia Koreana Keimyung University
Publisher: Academia Koreana Keimyung
Pub. Date: Jun 2014
Pages: 521
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 7.48 x 10.23 x 0.98
Language: English
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Editor’s Note


Guest Editor’s Introduction By KIMBERLY CHUNG      1–4 

Kim So-wŏl’s Chindallaekkot (Azaleas) as an Immersive Environment  By WAYNE DE FREMERY and KIM JUSUB      5–27 

Oriental Sublime: Sŏkkuram in the Japanese Imperial Landscape By HWANG JONGYON 29–60 

Life and Landscape in the Utopia Stories of Late Chosŏn Yadam (野談) By LEE KANG-OK 61–83 

Colonial Horrors: The Starving Ghost in Colonial Korean Mass Culture  By KIMBERLY CHUNG 85–103 

Mirror Play, or Subjectivization in 3 Iron: Based on Lacan’s Analysis of  Las Meninas and His Optical Model By KIM SOH-YOUN 105–135

Beyond Vengeance: Landscapes of Violence in Jang Chul-soo’s Bedevilled  (Kim Pong-nam Sarinsakŏn ŭi Chŏnmal, 2010) By MICHELLE CHO 137–162   


Chinul’s Hwaŏm Thought in the Hwaŏmnon Chŏryo By KOH SEUNG-HAK 163–191 

Ancient Korean Mokkan (Wooden Slips): With a Special Focus on their Features and Uses By KIM CHANG-SEOK 193–222 

A Study of Early Koryŏ Statues of the Great Monk Sengqie Excavated from P’an’gyo-dong, Sŏngnam City By KANG HEEJUNG 223–253 

The Theory and Practice of Sage Politics: The Political Philosophies and Neo-Confucian Bases of Yi Hwang and Yi I  By KIM HYOUNGCHAN 255–284 

An Evolving Confucian Patriarchy: An Analysis of Wedding and  Funeral Rites in Sixteenth-Century Korea  By PARK MEE HAE 285–306 

Discontinuity and Continuity in the Traditional Korean Judicial System  During Its Modern Reform Period, 1894 to 1905 By DO MYOUN-HOI 307–338 

The Confucian Background of Modern “Heroes” in the Writings of Sin Ch’aeho—In Comparison with Those of Liang Qicao  By VLADIMIR TIKHONOV and YI HYE GYUNG 339–374 

Conversion Novels and the Conversion Narratives of Kamsangnok in Colonial Korea By JEONG JONG-HYUN 375–397 

“No Country for the New Woman”: Rethinking Gender and Cultural Nationalism in Colonial Korea through Kim Myŏngsun By RHEE JOOYEON 399–427 

The Institute of Pacific Relations and the Korean Problem during  the Pacific War  By KO JUNG-HYOO 429–453

Genre Conventions of South Korean Hostess Films (1974–1982): Prostitutes and the Discourse of Female Sacrifice By MOLLY HYO KIM 455–477 

The Cyber Bullying of Pop Star Tablo and South Korean Society: Hegemonic Discourses on Educational Background and Military Service  By SHIM DOOBO 479–504 


Transnational Sport: Gender, Media, and Global Korea  By Rachel Miyung Joo ROBERT OPPENHEIM 505–509 

The Making of Korean Christianity:  Protestant Encounters with Korean Religions, 1876–1915 By Sung-Deuk Oak PAUL S. CHA 509–514 

The New Korea: An Inside Look at South Korea’s Economic Rise By Myung Oak Kim and Sam Jaffe DANIEL SCHWEKENDIEK 514–517 

Rat Fire: Korean Stories from the Japanese Empire  By Theodore Hughes, Jae-Yong Kim, Jin-kyung Lee  and Sang-Kyung Lee KEVIN O’ROURKE 517–521


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