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An Encyclopaedia of Korean Culture
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 70,000
USD 48.69
Author: Suh Cheong Soo
Publisher: HANSEBON
Pub. Date: Jan 2014
Pages: 646
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 7.28 x 10.43 x 1.37
ISBN: 9788995135242
Language: English
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This encyclopaedia is an invaluable resources for all those with an interest in Korean culture.

The First English Encyclopaedia of Korean Culture with Abundant Colour Illustrations

This encyclopaedia stans out above others for not only its brief and pointed description on Korean culture but also some 2300 colour illustrations.
The description on kimchi, for instance, will let you understand the Korean obsession with it. It not only contains detailed descriptions and many photos
of the seemingly infinite variety of kimchi, but also traces the cultural roots, clarifying how it became one of the most important food items in Korean cuisine.

Invaluable Guide for English Speakers

This English version of encyclopaedia of Korean culture is a long-awaited guide for English speaking people including Korean residents abroad,
and perhaps second or third generation Korean emigrants. This work will present a most useful and convenient tool to get in touch with Korean culture in English.

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